Wednesday 27 November 2013

Complete guide to stopping hair loss......

How I stopped my hair loss >

Hair loss is scary, embarrassing and hard to fix. As a 18 year old who has already suffered through severe hair loss, I know the anxiety and shame that can come from losing your hair. Over the last year, I have tried many different things to stop my hair loss, and finally after months of searching, researching, visiting doctors .I have finally been able to stop my hair loss, and encouragingly I have seen new growth.

what causes premature hair loss?

Hair is one of those non essential parts of the body, meaning that if your body is under stress or pressure from a variety of different things, your body will compensate by focusing on keeping you alive and healthy rather than having a full head of hair! It could be because of a wide range of reasons, which will be outlined below:-

1. Vitamin D deficiency: 
Because most people spend their time in doors, behind a desk or on the couch, a surprisingly high percentage of the population have insufficient levels of vitamin D in their body Studies have shown that low vitamin D causes hair loss.

2. Too much vitamin D: 
High levels of Vitamin D can also cause hair loss, which is why it is important to have the right balance of vitamin D.

3.  Iron deficiency: 
Iron is important for your hair, nails and skin. Too little can cause hair to fall out, or make the hair follicles smaller so your hair strands end up being thinner.

4. Calcium deficiency: 
Calcium is also important for your hair, and if you are not getting enough Vitamin D . Your hair will also fall out.

5. Stress: 
Stress causes hair loss, this is widely known, and seeing your hair fall out can just add to that stress. Hair usually falls out 1 - 4 months after the stressful incident has taken place.

6. Lack of sleep: 
If you are not sleeping well, this can also have a negative effect on your hair.

7. The type of shampoo you use: 
The type of Shampoo you use may also be making your hair fall out. Natural shampoos are much better for your hair and scalp than chemically based ones.

8. Coeliac disease: 
It is not widely known that hair loss is a symptom of Coeliac, which means the small intestine cannot break down gluten, and ingredient found in bread, pasta, wheat products etc. Coeliac can also cause hair loss.

Cured my hair loss:-

Being so young, and losing hair is scary, especially if you try and sort the problem out yourself. There are so many websites explaining hair loss, and they all seem to say different things. This is the step by step guide to how I cured my hair loss: 

1.  Approximately 1 year ago, I found that I was leaving many strands of hair on my pillow each morning, and every time I dried my hair with a towel, the towel would be covered in hair. Even running my hand through my hair meant losing at least a few strands, so I went to see my doctor. 

2.  My doctor asked if I had any family history of hair loss, and I told him that my father was bald .He prescribed me 2 medicines, one was a topical applicated  and the other was a pill.

3. I took the medicines for a couple of months and applied the lotion, but I didn't see any benefit and discontinued taking the medicine. I went back to the doctor and the doctor said the hair loss could be hormonal/due to stress and that I should wait a while to see if it went away by itself, it didn't.

4.  I started to research online about hair loss. I found out that vitamin deficiency is a leading cause of premature hair loss, so I started to take a multivitamin. To my surprise, it worked slightly, as the amount of hair that I lost decreased, but I still had hair loss. 

5. I started to research vitamin deficiency and found out that there are a few main causes of vitamin deficiencies, including leaky gut and coeliac, both of which cause the small intestine to basically attack itself, resulting in the mal-absorption of vitamins and minerals.

6. I also found out that dairy intolerances can also lead to balding. Since my dad has always suffered from IBS, I tried quitting dairy too. Overall, after these dietary changes my overall health improved and my hair fall slowed considerably.
After more research, I found that sufferers of coeliac are usually deficient in calcium, vitamin D and Iron, so I started to take daily supplements of these. After only a few weeks, my hair loss stopped completely.
Head and Shoulders:-

There have been rumors flying around the internet as to whether or not Head and Shoulders has an influence on hair loss. Personally, I was using Head and Shoulders Hair Retain for Men, for a couple of months. After I started taking the vitamins, and changed my diet, I could still feel that my scalp was itchy, and a few hairs were still falling out from the top of my head. I decided to stop using Head and Shoulders and switch to a more natural shampoo and my hair loss stopped completely. I can't say definitely whether or not it was because my body was still recovering, or whether it was in fact because I stopped using that brand of shampoo, but I can tell you that after switching shampoos my scalp is a lot healthier, and my hair a lot healthier!   
This may not help everyone, but it worked for me, and I hope that by writing this I will be able to help at least one other person beat their hair loss! If you know someone who is experiencing hair loss, please send them the link to my article as they may not know about all of this!



Sunday 24 November 2013

Consequently hair loss treatment

Men and girls are facing the issue of hair loss equally nowadays. Previously baldness was a problem with the men but now it is also a excellent difficulty with the women.

Consequently hair loss treatment for girls is in great demand these days. Females need to be aware of the varieties of baldness and its causes and lastly need to also know about all the possible treatment of hair loss.

If you know the cause of hair loss then it will be simpler for you to locate out the exact therapy. Hair loss can be temporary or it can even be permanent. Permanent hair loss leads to baldness in women.

So it is very essential that you ought to know the hair loss therapy for girls. Female pattern baldness can start at the age of 30 it is even achievable in the early age of 20 as nicely as in the late age of 40.

The frequent causes of hair loss in females are heredity, hormonal imbalance, stress, pregnancy, medications, diets and aging. Often the stress in the program like fever, depression, drug use and prolonged illness can also lead to baldness.

Hair loss treatment for girls will help the women to stop the thinning of hair and becoming bald.

Sometimes the hair goods also grow to be the cause of hair loss in women. Women use different kinds of shampoo and other hair goods.

These merchandise have distinct kinds of chemicals and most of the time these chemicals cause hair loss in most of the women. So if you want to use such merchandise use only those merchandise which are of high top quality.

With the support of this you can stop hair loss and find out the hair loss treatment for ladies.